Members. If it seems we are cracking down on timeliness in arriving to classes it is because everyone has busy schedules between work and their home lives. Please be considerate of this and arrive on time. If you need a little more time to warm up, please show up a few minutes early and find an empty corner to do so. Hopefully SandyDog feels like a home away from home as we try to provide a safe and comfortable environment. We encourage socializing and friendly conversation. If you do arrive a few minutes late, please jump right into your warmup and be prepared to cut it short if needed. Others have shown up on time and it is not fair to make them wait for you to be ready. Classes are programmed to fit within the hour that is scheduled. This includes your warm up and even some extra time to catch up with friends. Thank you for being a part of this wonderful community we have all worked so hard to build over the last 6+ years.