A.1 Bench Press 1RM
A.2 Helen and then some…..
5 Rounds
Run 400M
15 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups
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10 Rounds
5 Thrusters #115/#80
10 Pull Ups
Run 100M
Rest 1 Minute
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A.1 Deadlift 1RM
Run 800M
75 KB Swings #55/#35
50 Hand Release Push Ups
25 SDHP #55/#35
Run 800M
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80 Overhead Squats #45/#35
80 Hang Power Cleans #115/#75
80 KBS
80 OH Walking Lunge Steps #45/#25
80 Wall Ball
80 Deadlift #135/#95
80 Toes to Bar
Run 800M
80 Floor Wipers
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A.1 Power Clean 1RM
Thrusters #95/#65
Knees to Elbows
Ring Dips
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